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Daily Astrology

Listen to What is going on in the planets this week: 
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                                  Astro Reading for Saturday Feb. 8 thru Sunday Feb 9, 2025


Happy Weekend! On Saturday the Cancer Moon elevates your protective nature. Security issues become high priority as the attention turns keeping you and family safe from harm and being sure that everyone is ok. During the afternoon hours your concerns turn to friendships and the quality of your relationships. Secrets planet Pluto wants you to dig deep to understand what is going on with a certain person currently in your life. Venus in Aries squaring the Moon in Cancer warns that romantic situations might be uncomfortable as love requirements are different. One partner might need more affection  than the other. But don’t be afraid to communicate your feelings. The evening is a good time to clear the air. Best signs for the day are Cancer and Scorpio. And if today is your birthday, happy birthday! You are an Aquarius who craves success. Saturday is your best day.


On Sunday, stay away from issues that might cause controversy. The Cancer  Moon opens a strong sense of sensitivity which creates a ’thin skin’ to touchy topics. The planet Mars enjoys irritation and starting ‘fires.’ You can get irritated or fired up if something annoys you. Avoid anyone who enjoys causing you discomfort…things might not go well. The planet Uranus aids in making adjustments. If you feel uncomfortable, don’t hesitate to make necessary changes. Best signs for the day are Cancer and Pisces. And if today is your birthday, happy birthday! You are an Aquarius who enjoys staying busy. Tuesday is your best day.


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